Breast Massage
Katelyn Pidperyhora RMT is certified to treat breast tissue and breast related symptoms including post-surgical work. She has experience treating individuals who have undergone breast tissue surgery due to Breast Cancer diagnosis, Breast Reduction, Breast Augmentation and GenderAffirming/ Top Surgery, Breast Conserving Surgery (lumpectomy), Axillary Web Syndrome, unilateral and bilateral Mastectomies. Katelyn utilizes the John Barnes' Approach to Myofascial Release in conjunction during your breast treatment sessions.

Why Breast Massage?
Our breasts extend from the collarbone towards the armpit and across the ribcage. They are comprised of primarily adipose tissue, surrounding muscular structures, fascia and lymphatic channels.
One key factor is knowing that our breasts do not have proper drainage within; most of the breasts' lymphatic vessels drain towards the armpit on the same side. Our lymphatic vessels regulate the local fluid balance as well as filter out waste substances. Massage helps move fluid away from congested areas. Congestion may lead to inflammation and breast tenderness.
What to expect.
At the beginning of the treatment session, Katelyn will sit down with you and go over your health history in relation to breast health. She will answer any questions you may have about the provided service, any personal concerns or options for home-care. She will then proceed to explain how the treatment will be laid out giving options of being fully draped with a sheet, or having the option of having one breast draped while the exposed breast is treated.
Every session will vary as it is client focused. Breast massage typically begins with lymph drainage techniques to increase the flow of lymph, followed by tissue restriction palpation and/or scar tissue assessment, massage to the pectorals, thoracic cavity all while utilizing Myofascial Release.

What if I am not 100% comfortable?
Please ask as many questions you may have prior to seeking breast massage treatment. Prior to booking, we advise all future clients seeking breast massage therapy to take the time needed to review the information on our website. To experience the wonderful benefits of breast massage therapy, it is important to be aware of the expected benefits, and outcomes as addressed with Katelyn during your initial intake. Many clients feel this initial intake answers their questions and concerns and helps form a strong therapeutic relationship.
Katelyn acknowledges the importance of safety and comfort of each individual. The client has the right to withdraw consent at any given moment before or during the session. Katelyn is very clear that if for any reason you are not comfortable during the session, we can stop the treatment session. For maximum benefit, Katelyn recommends to have this treatment as a stand alone and not combined with other services.
Breast Massage helps with lymph drainage, hormonal balancing and increases circulation. It is a valued treatment for all genders. Those who have undergone surgery can continue their healing journey with massage therapy and post-op care. Breast Massage is a safe, inclusive and honouring session dedicated to the client's needs.

Breast massage can help improve self-body positivity. This therapy allows individuals to reconnect with their bodies and feel a sense of wholeness. Clients have reported improved range of motion in the neck and shoulders, decrease in fluid retention and swelling post surgery, improved circulation and warmth to the chest area, decrease in pain/ tenderness, decrease in scar tissue appearance, improvement in diaphragmatic breathing, improvement in managing stress levels.